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parkrun Challenge

parkrun has become the staple diet of our Saturday mornings workouts.  Because of the ever increasing popularity of parkrun we run a parkrun championship for our members. 

The parkrun championship is a points based league system taking advantage of all of the good things about parkrun that we all love.  Whether you treat it as a race or not is entirely up to you, or if you just want to jog/walk around the course then that’s fine also.  You can even bring along an under-11 and run with them, even if they have to be in a running buggy!


If you are familiar with parkrun, there are several aspects you’ll be aware of, from getting a good positioning in the event, doing well in your age category, getting PBs on each course that you run, or just simply the excitement of running on a new course (there are plenty to choose from!).

With parkrun taking place every single Saturday across over 700 UK parkruns (plus more around the globe), it is imperative that people volunteer in order to ensure it happens week-in week-out.  Because of this, we encourage our members to volunteer to help out whenever they can, to give something back.  To reward their efforts we have a separate league table, where points are scored depending on the difficulty of the role(s) you carry out.  For the final running league position to count, runners must volunteer on five occasions over the course of a year without running on the same day.

The scoring for the running championship awards points for the following:-

  • Race position: 1st:10, 2nd:9, 3rd:8, Top Ten:7, Top Twenty:6

  • Gender position: 1st:6, 2nd:5, 3rd:4, Top Ten:3, Top Twenty:2

  • Age category position 1st:5, 2nd:4, 3rd:3, 4th:2, 5th:1

Each runner will receive the points for whichever is the highest in these three categories.  Note that the above points assume a field size of 100 or more.  Smaller fields reduce scoring for <100, <=50 & <=20

Runners also get points for:-

  • Geographical parkrun location (Midlands 1, North 2, South 2, Wales 2, Scotland 3, Ireland (Northern or Republic) 4, or Worldwide 5

  • Running on a new course (+1)

  • Getting a PB on a course (excluding the first visit) (+2)

  • Running with an under-11 year old (including in a running buggy) (+1).  Note if U11 is running, they must have a barcode

Runners will always pick up a minimum point for running a parkrun course, based on the geographical location.  Then…. anything achieved on top of that is a bonus!

Other rules:-

  • The championship season runs over the calendar year (1st January - December 31st).

  • Runners must be a member of the club on 31st December.  Leaving the club prior to this will void all of your results.

  • Each runner must appear in the officially published results.  No position = No points.  Please remember your barcode!

  • There is no requirement to run in club colours (ideally please don't!).

  • Each runner must have "SINFIN RC" parkrun shown in the parkrun results page (added via the groups in the parkrun profile)

  • Gender positioning points are based on the official parkrun result.  An unspecified gender or "Unknown" gender do not count as a gender position.

  • Only each runner's best 25 parkrun results over the year will be used to calculate their final score.

  • Runners must volunteer on a minimum of FIVE separate occasions without running in the parkrun that day to qualify for a running trophy (Course check, Report Writer, and Pre-Event Set Up, do not count as occasion even if you do not run).

  • New runners to the club will only get results counted in the year from when their membership fees have been paid.

  • Volunteering points will ALWAYS be awarded whether running or not, and even if it is a Sinfin takeover.

  • Volunteer points are based on a number of factors (available on request), namely on involvement before, during or after the run, and the technical difficulty of the role.

  • For volunteer points, the highest role score is awarded, then +1 extra point for each additional role performed on the day.

  • Running points will not be awarded on a day that the club does a volunteer parkrun takeover regardless of where the member runs, however volunteer points will be awarded.  Parkrun takeover volunteering points WILL count towards the five occasions needed to winning a parkrun running trophy UNLESS the member takes part in the run.

  • It is the number of occasions (days) a member volunteers, not the number of roles that count towards the five required to win the parkrun running trophy (so three roles on one day is essentially just one volunteer occasion)

  • When running with an U11, if the minor is running (and not in a buggy), the bonus point will only be scored if the U11 has a barcode result

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