Julie Heithus
13 Mar 2023
Fantastic First Season in TDR XC League for Sinfin!
What an absolute blast the 2022/23 Cross Country TDR league has been.
Joining the TDR Cross Country league has been awesome, 6 races at 5 locations across Derby & Derbyshire, all races organised by local clubs.
Every course was proper old school cross country! We’ve had mud, hills, glorious weather, fantastic support and fabulous socials afterwards. Â
The TDR league has seen a whole host of new members giving it a go both ladies and men with all saying they’d do it again...and they did.
The presentation event on Sunday at the Melbourne RBL was a riot with Sinfin having the most representation, and the loudest team! For our first year in this league we have been exceptional, especially as we hadn’t run any of the courses before... we really didn’t know what to expect as we were up against much larger clubs.
An amazing performance by Catherine Williams to be crowned 1st lady overall. Other notable overall performances were:
Caroline S Â 2nd FV 50
Jane W 1st FV 55
Julie H 3rd FV 55
Duncan C 2nd MV 55
The ladies finished 3rd overall, the men 6/7th (TBC) and the overall combined team 6th (TBC)
A fantastic addition to the league is that our juniors can run too. Notably Pascal Sutton winning the over all junior gold medal.Â
Next season we’ll be prepared for this league!
Watch this space!